22 June 2008


This is the best description I have heard about how we should live as Christians from The Irresistible Revolution  by Shane Claiborne:
"Once, there was a small group of kids who decided to go to a park in the middle of the city, and dance and play, laugh and twirl.  As they played in the park, they thought that maybe another child would pass by and see them.  Maybe that child would think it looked fun and even decide to join them.  Then maybe another one would.  Then maybe a businessman would hear them from his skyscraper.  Maybe he would look out the window.  Maybe he would see them playing and lay down his papers and come down.   Maybe they could teach him to dance.  Then maybe another businessman would walk by, a nostalgic man, and he would take off his tie and toss aside his briefcase and dance and play.  Maybe the whole city would join the dance.  maybe even the would. Maybe...Regardless, they decided to enjoy the dance." 

Another quote by George Bernard Shaw states:  "God created us in his image, and we decided to return the favor."  

These are just some thoughts from this wonderful book that I am reading.  I thought I would share them.  I greatly encourage you to read this book if you have any concern with nominal Christianity. 

Indoor Climbing

12 June 2008


I am reading a new book that is awesome.  28 Stories of AIDS in Africa tells the personal story of 28 different people and how they are associated with AIDS.  The book gives real life accounts of personal struggles to survive in a developing country and how poverty and conflict has greatly increased this struggle to survive.  I would encourage anyone to read it or at least look at the website on it.  It will really change the way you look at the AIDS population in Africa and their dire need for help.  

27 May 2008

Great Weekend Fun

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  It started on Friday night when Don and I were able to go Chick-fil-A in San Marcos as we visited the new school campus.  Any weekend that starts with a trip to Chick-fil-a is a good one.  

We then on Saturday morning were able to meet with an old high school friend that Don knows for brunch.  Short little trip to Panera to start the morning out.  This is where we learned of a new vitamin drink called Mona Vie.  We're not quite sold on it, but we were able to get a free bottle. 

Later Saturday, we were able to get to see some old friends of mine from Pensacola.  We had dinner with 6 wonderful people and then sat around and played games.  Another care free night to sit back and enjoy.  

Sunday were able to go to church to hear an enlightening sermon by Pastor Barry on being a "Son of Abraham."  I have learned so much through his expository preaching style over the past few months.  He brings so much insight to stories I've read and heard 100 times.  It shows how little we truly know about God and what an awesome being He truly is!

Sunday afternoon we were off to a cookout with some friends from church.  With quite the hodge podge of people gathered, it proved to be a success.  

We were then able to kick back on Monday with some Liz, Jeremy and Karen for some catch up time.  Nothing extravagant... just a little world view debate on health care and global warming. Just another run of the mill conversation (ha ha) that I absolutely loved.  Then finally off to bed to prepare for another week of playing with kids in the ER.  Hope everyone else had a great Memorial Day weekend.  Continue to remember the troops!!!

21 May 2008

Just a quick note...

Things are going pretty well for Don and I.  Don is getting further into his second semester of PT school.  He is really enjoying the "intricate" details of dissection (cadaver dissection) and wound care.  Such an interesting person he is. :)

I've gotten back to work after being ill for so long.  I feel great and healthy now.  I never thought I would be so happy to be back at work.  I have also been truly blessed.  I was able to be a "patient" for one of Don's classes for PT school.  A nationally known PT from the San Diego area came to talk about knee problems.  She needed a patient, and I went.  She has agreed to treat my knee problem for me and do it at no cost to me.  That is amazing because she rarely even treats patients anymore.  It was an awesome experience.  

We have alot planned for this weekend.  We are having dinner with friends on Saturday and Sunday.  Probably a beach trip in there somewhere.  I can't pass up a good sunset over the pacific.  

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend.  

07 May 2008

Things are looking up...

This has been quite the interesting past two weeks.  I must say that God is good and God is faithful. This whole ordeal started April 23 when I got sick with a virus.  Unfortunately, it was a virus that looked alot like I might have meningitis.  I finally got sent to urgent care by my doctor who sent me to the ER on Sunday, April 25.  While there, they worked me up for viral meningitis by doing a spinal tap.  That test came back negative, which was fantastic!  Although, I did get a spinal headache after having the tap.  I threw up and could not lift my head off a pillow for 9 straight days, all the while missing work. I have been to the ER 3 times in 9 days.  I have taken so many different pain medications that I was drooling out the side of my mouth but still had a headache.  Finally, yesterday, an anesthesiologist worked me in for a blood patch in his outpatient clinic.  I am a little sore after the procedure, but praise God my headache is gone.  I am still a little afraid to move because I'm afraid my headache will come  back.  I am so grateful for my husband and his care that he provided.  I was truly there for me when I needed it most.  I could not have gotten through it without him.  I am also very grateful for a good friend of mine who drove me to the doctor and brought food, even though I couldn't eat.  I am also grateful to my parents who are taking time out of their busy schedule to come and help me get my house and life back in order.  What an ordeal something  like a headache can make.  I have, hopefully, my last MD appointment today for a while.  I plan to stay healthy.  I think that will be my goal for May.  I hope everyone is doing great and sorry my blogs have been so lame lately, but unfortunately I have not been up to par...

22 April 2008

When you wish upon a star...

Well, I figured I should blog just a quick little note since it has been so long.  We just got back about an hour ago from Disneyland Resort in Anaheim.  We took a short trip up for an extended weekend.  I'll have pictures soon to show our Mickey experience...